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#22 - (You Didn't) Ask Me Anything #1


Updated: Jun 16, 2021

Them 'Ask Me Anything' podcasts seem to be all the rage, don't they! But what happens when nobody asks you any bloody questions?

Welcome to the very first - and possibly only - (You Didn't) Ask Me Anything!

After finding a trustworthy random question generator online (at least, that's what I thought) I answer a bunch of progressively lacklustre questions the website wished to pose to me. These include:

  • Do you have any siblings?

  • What's the biggest personal change you've ever made?

  • Favourite day of the week?

  • What would you do if you were the lone survivor of a plane crash?

  • Do frogs have ears?

  • What's your favourite thing to do?

  • Plus loads more!

Also, be prepared for the final 20 minutes, as I descend into what could easily be described as a state of 'going off my rocker'. I lose control of what was supposed to be a fun, interesting, revealing natter, and plunge into a temporary state of psychosis through a separate personality.



The Savage Balance Podcast is a weekly podcast offering a new story, essay, interview, thought or leftover scribble from the back of a napkin.

You can subscribe and listen further on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify, Podbean or YouTube.



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