It can be hard to face our past selves. We share a lineage, a consciousness, a past, but often we find ourselves not having much in common. We can't believe how rude they were, or quiet, angry, sexist, flamboyant, childish, disgusting, alien. There is the obvious connection but often, we distance ourselves from them, and berate them - flinging expletives, profanities and judgement - openly mocking them.
Perhaps it's all best left in the past, safe and secure, hidden from view, parked in a discreet corner, smothered in dense blankets, where nobody will ever be able to access them. Ever.
Or! What about if, instead of that, we whack a torch in their face and turn them into exclusive content, only accessible via a monetised membership platform?
Welcome to the podcast!
In todays episode, I'll be reading extracts from an old diary, exploring previous states of 'me' & discussing a wide range of subjects including judgement, grief, gender identity and old dogs.
This will also be the first of a series of podcasts, exclusively (another word for restrictive) available on the Savage Balance Podcast Patreon! Yes, there's now a Patreon.
Every Thursday, I'll be rummaging through over a decades worth of old notes, exploring the person I once was, investigating the content that hooked me & navigating the shifting of thoughts, opinions and beliefs. It'll be similar to the podcast, but a lot less scripted, researched & honed (I.e. a lot less work...)
It get's deep, it get's serious, it gets silly. Check it out, and perhaps you'd be interested in supporting this podcast on the Patreon. I can't tell you how much it would mean to me (I can tell you, it would mean a great deal) Thank you.
The Savage Balance Podcast is a weekly podcast offering a new story, essay, interview, thought or leftover scribble from the back of a napkin.
You can support this podcast through Patreon, and subscribe on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify, Podbean, YouTube, plus many more.