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#33 - Can We Have A Carbon Neutral Christmas?

Climate change - it’s arguably the most pressing issue humanity has ever faced. It’s an ever pervasive threat, caused by our continual interference & rapid destruction of nature. We as individuals who wish to be proactive can often feel overwhelmed and defeatist in the face of corporate, governmental & systemic abuse of our planet.

And yet, in terms of domestic consumption & personal carbon footprints, national holiday celebrations, such as Christmas, produce a spike in harmful emissions to our atmosphere.

It turns out our actions are not aligned with our beliefs. But what can we do!?

In this podcast, I address the emission issues caused by our choices, and offer up some advice on how to make your Christmas more carbon neutral, examining key aspects of the festive period including food, decorations and presents. I also address the recent news that McDonald’s have created the UK’s 1st net zero restaurant.

Being more aware of our environmental impacts in the build up to December merrymaking doesn’t have to mean sacrifice and solemnity. With a healthy combination of reevaluating and innovative thinking, it can bring greater connection to our loved ones and surroundings during this time of celebration.

So, have a carbonless Christmas and net zero New Year!


The Savage Balance Podcast is a weekly podcast offering a new story, essay, interview, thought or leftover scribble from the back of a napkin.

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